Cultivating peace in daily life.


The Rhythm of Peace Project

an educational peace project
dedicated to cultivating peace, renewing health, and building community
The rhythm of peace is a potent healing force that flows through the world each day,
quietly transforming conflict, hardship, suffering, and oppression.
Each daily action that comes from the wisdom of your heart, from your conscience,
and from your genuine love and good will towards others, and the kingdoms of nature,
builds the strength and resilience of this universal rhythm of peace.

The Rhythm of Peace Project was created in 2008 to bring awareness to this universal healing force,
and to contribute to it by empowering compassionate daily acts of peace. 
The mission of the Rhythm of Peace Project is
to encourage and inspire
people of all ages and beliefs

to make peace a daily priority, 
to cultivate peace
in their homes, families, workplaces, and communities
through compassionate daily actions, and

to promote the values that
build a healthy foundation
for a global culture of peace.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. ~Mother Teresa